Yes To Life: A Soul-Jam

The Archival City
2 min readJul 18, 2020


It has been 6 episodes that we have walked together over the last few months. We have not only been blessed with the generosity of sharing, authenticity of sharing vulnerabilities, humility of sharing loving kindness and the gift of offering and receiving presence, which is so rare in our busy lives.

Tomorrow’s episode of the Musical Manifesto Project is a celebration of this extraordinary companionship, this act of co-sensing and collective sense-making of the extra-ordinary times we are going through. Viktor Frankl who is known for his classic “Man’s search for Meaning” also wrote another beautiful piece called “Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything” where he explored and inquired about what makes life not only worthy of survival but worthy of living.

We thought of introducing yet another format of sharing, called a SOUL-JAM. In the spirit of a jamming session, where even without a plan just by jamming, harmony is created, we would like you to bring inquiries or thoughts that have emerged in your mind over the last few months where you have realised in times of suffering and uncertainty, fear and anxiety, which unfathomable forces of living possibly could counterbalance the weight of existence? We want you to bring these questions or stories that can help us all jam together, and say “Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything”.

In Frankl’s words: “How human beings deal with the limitation of their possibilities regarding how it affects their actions and their ability to love, how they behave under these restrictions — the way in which they accept their suffering under such restrictions — in all of this they still remain capable of fulfilling human values.

So, how we deal with difficulties truly shows who we are.”

You could read this to think about which imaginary or real instrument would you like to bring to do the jamming session where we spend a few hours “in our loving dedication to the beautiful, the great, the good.” As always the choice of medium or format of sharing completely rests with you. We would wait for the power of stories, inquiries, narratives and perspectives to experience a symphony that can nourish our soul. We would love to hear and share these stories of possibilities at a time when bad news sells and good news is rare.

Date and Time: 19 July 6 PM to 8 PM (IST)

Core Design and Production Team:
Gayathri Menon
Aditi Singh
Kunika Bajaj
Niladri Mukherjee

Design, Concept and Creative Direction:
Sudebi Thakurata



The Archival City
The Archival City

Written by The Archival City

Pedagogy, Art & design-led trans-local initiative | Un-learning from places & people | Deep immersion in experiential perspectives & narrative inquiries

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