Archiving Food-Trails
If there is one thing that has been constant during this Pandemic it is the often overwhelming, often invisible, often exuberant, often hidden, often overarching and often underlying aspect/theme/element/facet/factor of ‘food’.
relationships, craftsmanship,
behaviour, desire,
action, inaction,
politics, economics,
affinity, curiosity,
obsession, possession,
selfishness, self-lessness — -
our memory of salvation and sensory satiation
our embodied memory and experiential inquiry,
our narratives and perspectives,
our economic, ecological,
gastronomical, psychological, emotional,
baggage, bias, prejudices, premonition, suffering, relief, despair and hope,
our sense of security, vanity,
aspirations, apprehensions or admirations:
somewhere or the other, at some point in time, has been around ‘Food’ or aspects related to food.
As we introduce a new format of immersion, engagement and exchange, called “MAKING PRESENCE: CO-SENSING” we wanted you to bring in your stories or insights around food during this Pandemic in any format and medium of your choice. We hope like always we can collectively embark upon an evening of ‘co-sensing’ through the lenses of food, by making our presence felt by, shared with and presented to each other.
Date and Time: 9th August, 6 PM to 8 PM (IST)
Core Design and Production Team:
Gayathri Menon
Aditi Singh
Kunika Bajaj
Niladri Mukherjee
Design, Concept and Creative Direction:
Sudebi Thakurata